Thursday, May 30, 2019

Powerful Prayers for Your Daughter

Powerful Prayers for Your Daughter 

Paperback, ebook 

April 16, 2019

by Teigen (Author)

  • Paperback: 208 pages
  • Publisher: Revell; Reissue edition 
  • ISBN-13: 978-0800735425

From the moment your little girl was born, you knew you were going to be doing a lot of praying. So you may wonder, What exactly should I be praying for?

Parents know that their children need their prayers. But sometimes, they aren't sure where to start. For moms and dads who long to lift their kids up in prayer, Powerful Prayers for Your Daughter and Powerful Prayers for Your Son offer hope, encouragement, and practical help.

Rob and Joanna Teigen assure parents that just because they don't always understand their son or daughter, that doesn't mean that God doesn't. Collecting specific prayers parents can use, along with stories from other parents about how God has answered their prayers, Rob and Joanna give readers a strong foundation to build a lifelong habit of praying for their kids. They also explain what boys and girls need to learn as they grow up, including character, courage, modesty, self-control, forgiveness, and more, so parents can pray for every part of their kids' lives.

My thoughts: POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR YOUR DAUGHTER was originally published in 2014 but it is just as valid today. Our daughters need  our prayers for so many things and the Teigens have made it easy to pray with verses and well thought out prayers for almost every topic imaginable.

For example when my college daughter called feeling so down on herself, I could look up a prayer about self-worth and pray it for her.  The Teigens also included scripture passages for those who want to pray scripture, too.

Another daughter struggles with her self-image, She doesn't have a rail thin body like her sister.  There is a prayer for that, too.  

Over 200 pages of prayers for those who want to pray for their daughter but don't have the right words or  feel their prayers aren't good enough (please note they are good enough, God hears everyone not only  professional prayers,) . 

POWERFUL PRAYERS FOR YOUR DAUGHTER will help you pray for every part of your daughter's life. Recommended.

I was given a copy free. All  opinions are my own.

1 comment:

Kelly Y said...

I read the seven day devotional for sons on the Bible app. Now reading for daughters. Will have to look at the books. I didn't realize there were books as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!