Sunday, February 9, 2020

Wait! Come Back! By Jenna V Hilton

Psalm 139:7-8  (KJV)

 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

Last year, my pit bull lab mix, Skye, ran away. I was bringing wood in for the fire in the ‘wood stove’. Skye was sitting on the couch and when she saw the door open and my arms full she made a run for it. I dropped the wood immediately and ran after her. I came very close to grabbing Skye’s collar several times, but she skittered away at the last second. I chased her up our driveway, down our road and for several blocks before giving up and going home in tears. As I got to our road, I saw a flash of black fur running past me. I got behind Skye and chased her back inside. We now lock Skye in a bedroom whenever we need to get things from outside or carry things outside.

God doesn’t like us running away, either. We seem to run away a lot, though. We see things that we want to do, we rebel, or sometimes we get hurt and lose faith. But God loves us, and as one of *Matthew West’s songs* says, “Love stands waiting” for us to come back to Him. And God always has His arms open, ready and waiting to welcome us Home.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us even when we turn our back on you. Help us to remember that we can never run too far away. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Jenna V. Hilton is seventeen, and lives in Arkansas with her parents, two sisters, a brother, and dog.  She is a senior in high school and planning to attend college to become a veterinarian.


Linda Hoover said...

Awesome thoughts, Jenna. Thank you for sharing.

HeidiDruKortman said...

Good one, Jenna.

Marilyn R. said...

Great insight, Jenna! Keep looking up!

Julie Arduini said...

Great post, Jenna!

Marie Bast said...

Loved your devotional, Jenna, how very true. And sometimes when we run away like he did, it takes us much longer to find our way back home. You should write a teen devotional, they are very popular. Lovely, keep on writing.

Kathleen Friesen said...

Great post and reminder to not try to run from God. Thanks for sharing, Jenna!

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