Sunday, January 3, 2021

What Was THAT?! By Jenna V Hilton

 Hebrews 13:5 KJV   Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.


Back when Skye was a puppy, a lot of things scared her. Acorns falling off trees, the oven door opening, a sack of potatoes falling over. 

I remember the first time Skye saw a mechanical toy. It was a Barbie horse my little sister got for Christmas. We turned it on and let it walk to Skye, and Skye came over to me, sat down, and shoved her head into my chest. And just sat there until the whirring stopped. I felt so honored to be trusted by her. 

God loves it when we trust him too. When we choose to run to God when we’re scared or confused instead of running away and hiding. There’s lots of scary stuff in this world, but God sees the big picture, and he’ll never leave us alone. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for being there when we need you. Help us to learn to trust you more. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Jenna V. Hilton is eighteen, and lives in Arkansas with her parents, two sisters, a brother, and dog.  She is a senior in high school and planning to attend college to become a veterinarian.

1 comment:

HeidiDruKortman said...

Jenna when I was in sixth grade, we had a Scottie, Kipp, who fell from a pier and drowned in Wisconsin. I'm telling you this because of an event decades later. Our second dog was a Miniature Schnauzer, and when we got him, we also had an in-ground pool in the back yard. Because of the Scottie, who had never encountered more water than was in his dish, my parents thought it would be wise to see if Schatzi could swim.

Dad carried him into the pool, lowered him to the water, and let him go. I believe they were hoping he'd swim to the steps and climb out, but he swam to Me. This is important, because I was the one who saw Kipp fall into the lake.