Sunday, November 17, 2024

Where's the Sky #Devotional by Becky Van Vleet


Where’s the Sky?

A few years ago, I picked up my three-year-old granddaughter, Amara, for an outing. On this particular morning, the fog was as thick as night. When I settled her into the car seat and pulled out of the driveway, she asked, "Nana, where’s the sky? I can’t see it.”

I tried to explain as best I could about fog, how we still have the sky, but we just can't see it very well right now. 

Later on, I thought about how often we are searching for something that is right in front of us but we can't see it clearly, especially when it comes to our spiritual lives. Are all the outside stimuli from cell phone pop ups, texts, computers, TVs, social media, and just distractions in general blocking our spiritual views like a fog? Worse yet, are these distractions creating darkness? Are we having trouble seeing clearly at all?

From a meteorological standpoint, temperature, wind, and sunshine whisk the fog away. When it comes to our walks with God, it works the same way. His love, grace, and mercy whisk away darkness and Christ’s light comes rolling in.

Even Jesus experienced darkness when he was on the cross. But through His resurrection, light prevailed. Living in a fallen world, we will all face darkness on this side of heaven and have to navigate it. But thankfully, there is no darkness God cannot break through.

Christ’s light provides our path for how we are to live, removing sin, redeeming us. Jesus said, “I am the world’s light. No one who follows me stumbles around in darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.” John 8:12 (The Message)

When we’re in a dark place, are we allowing God’s love, grace, and mercy to whisk it away? Thankfully as believers, we don’t have to walk in fog or darkness, we always have the light of life.


Becky Van Vleet



Becky Van Vleet is a retired teacher and principal and award-winning multi-genre author. She has been published in Guideposts, The Country Register, and Christian Devotions Ministry. Her children’s picture books are the recipients of the 2020 Excellence in Editing award as well as the Purple Dragonfly award in 2020 and 2021. She and her husband make their home close to Colorado Springs where she enjoys gardening, hiking, oil painting, power walking, and spending time with her family, especially reading books to her grandchildren.

Becky is the author of Unintended Hero, a true story about her father’s battles, experiences, and adventures in WWII aboard the USS Denver. She is passionate about sharing the values from the Greatest Generation and enjoys speaking to high school classes about patriotism.

A member of ACFW and Allauthor, Becky has devoted her website to creating and preserving family memories and sharing family stories for the next generations through her monthly blogs. 

You can find her at: She would love to hear from you, especially if you have a family story to share!


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