Saturday, September 19, 2009

Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World

Authors: Ken Ham and Steve Ham
Publisher: Master Books
August 2008
ISBN: 978-0-89051-542-6
Genre: Inspirational/parenting

Ken and Steve Ham are siblings raised by a educator/missionary father in Queensland, Australia, a far from Christian environment. However, their parents were so on fire for the Lord, that Ken and Steve couldn’t help but soak up some of their teaching, even though they are first to admit that their parents were far from perfect.

Now, both Ken and Steve are parents of grown children, and grandparents to a whole new generation of Hams. And they feel they’ve learned something about raising children that love the Lord. Now the United States is extremely hostile toward Christian values, and parents are searching for answers and strategies to be more effective. Young people are leaving the church in droves, and parents want their children to have a strong biblical faith and understanding.

Inside the pages of RAISING GODLY CHILDREN IN AN UNGODLY WORLD, Ken and Steve Ham will address questions as:

1. Why is the family disintegrating?
2. What is a godly legacy and why is it vital to our families and our society?
3. How do we know God’s word is an all-sufficient parenting guide?
4. How do you create a family environment for spiritual growth?
5. Are Christian children meant to be salt and light in the public schools?
6. How are we to implement godly discipline and teach our children discernment

And many more questions will be answered.

Punctuated with pictures of the Ham family from infanthood to adulthood, this book is a pleasure to read. Plus, each chapter contains sections entitled: Key thoughts from this chapter, Building blocks, and Questions to consider, making this book ideal to study as a group or individual. Plus, to make this book a keepsake, there is a space in the back for your faith family tree and faith memories. This book in a “intensely personal and practical guide” for parents. $12.99. 236 pages.

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