Friday, September 18, 2009

Who Do I Talk To?

Author: Neta Jackson
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
September 2009
ISBN: 978-1-59554-524-4
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction

Gabby Fairbanks isn’t real sure where to turn when she returns home from resigning her job, at her husband’s request, to find out that her husband has changed the lock on the apartment, put her and her mother’s belongings outside, and took her boys off to parts unknown. Gabby is a basket case, and with no where to turn, she goes back to the homeless shelter where she used to work, but this time as a resident.

The next morning, Gabby meets with her former boss, who graciously helps Gabby out by giving her back her job and a game plan to follow to start getting her life back into order. Under her boss’s directive, Gabby visits a lawyer to see if she can get her boys back. The lawyer does much more than that, he helps Gabby to come up with a bit more of a game plan to make her case more appealing to the courts. Like first, she’ll have to find someplace to live. No court will look favorably on a homeless person.

But a midnight intruder at the shelter brings unwanted media attention to Gabby, and threatens to undermine all her chances to get her sons back.

WHO DO I TALK TO is an apply named book that stresses the importance of talking to God, in good times and bad. After reading the first book, Where Do I Go, I couldn’t wait to see what happened to Gabby, and I was so glad when the second book in the series came my way. Gabby (as well as the cast of Yada Yada Prayer warriors) are very well developed characters who become real on the pages of this book. So real, I feel I could go to Chicago and find these wonderful people.

I totally love Neta Jackson’s writing, and the way the story comes to life. I couldn’t put this book down, and am anxiously waiting for the next book in the series. Don’t miss Ms. Jackson’s newest book. Gabby is sure to find a place in your heart, as well as the rest of the residents (and employees) of the homeless shelter. $14.99. 416 pages

1 comment:

Cindy Loven said...

ohh it sounds good!!! I didnt read either one of them I think..