Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Author: Diana Wallis Taylor
Publisher: Revell
June 2011
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3465-7
Genre: Inspirational/biblical fiction

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus are familiar Bible characters that we are familiar with. This story is centered around Martha, the responsible sister.

According to the author, Martha’s mother died when she younger and her father wasn’t healthy. Martha was responsible for looking after her sister and brother. Mary was a dreamer, and Lazarus managed the family farm. Martha’s dad did try to marry her off, but her intended match was in love with another and made an offer for her. Then Martha decided she’d never marry.

When returning from a trip to Jerusalem, Martha meets a Roman soldier who is kind to her and her father. She starts secretly meeting with him, much to her family’s disapproval. About that time the sisters and brother become acquainted with Jesus, and involved in the uncertainty of life involved with personally knowing the Lord, and hearing all the political unrest He’s causing. Will Martha marry her Roman soldier? Or will Jesus have someone else in mind for her? Will Martha even wed at all?

I am not a huge fan of biblical fiction. Most of it is so far off of the story it’s based from that it’s not even funny. But MARTHA, wow, I was impressed. Now I’m not real sure how historically accurate some of the events were—did Mary and Martha and Lazarus really meet Jesus for the first time when He was throwing the money changers out of the temple? I don’t know. There are several other things in the book that can’t be proved or disproved biblically.

Discounting the things that may or may not be true, this was a totally great book. I read it from start to finish in about three hours while I sat in the dentist office waiting on a couple family members. I usually drag my way through biblical fiction, so this is huge. If this isn’t your favorite genre, you might want to reconsider MARTHA. If it is your favorite genre, this is a great book. $14.99. 250 pages.

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