Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Trigger

Title: THE TRIGGER: A Novel On The Revelation
Author: Hon Hoh
Publisher: Believer’s Press
May 2011
ISBN 978-0-578-07195-4
Genre: End Times Novel
Reviewed by: Steve Hilton

Pastor Josh McGuire is an evangelist and pastor with unction from the Holy Spirit for the most persecuted areas of the body of Christ. His ministry has been blessed by the Lord, and has been a blessing, for many years. His eyes are about to be opened.

There is a people-group, a term used by missionaries and evangelists to denote an ethno-centrically diverse and separate population of people that has yet to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Matthew 24:14, the gospel must be preached to ALL nations, “and then shall the end come.” The last people-group has been identified, and now all eyes are riveted on that portion of the world: all eyes, human and spiritual. It is the ultimate Amazing Race, and the consequences are universal in their ramifications.

Reminiscent of Frank Peretti’s novels on spiritual warfare, and possessing the same action-packed suspense as the Left Behind series, THE TRIGGER offers a look at the end times from a unique perspective, that of the post-tribulation rapture of the church. In this eschatological framework, the church must go through the rapture, and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is dependent upon Pastor Josh and the remnant preaching the gospel to the last unreached people group on earth.

While this reviewer has reservations with some of the theological stance taken by the author, THE TRIGGER is a wonderfully written novel that will keep the reader engaged from page one. One cannot help but become “one of the team” that is globally missional in its outlook, and Christocentric in its foundation. 355 pages. $19.99.

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