Thursday, February 11, 2016

Interview with Diane Theiler and giveaway!

Diane is very graciously hosting a giveaway of her book. Print, USA only. Please leave a comment and include contact information so you aren't disqualified.  

Have you always like to write?   I’ve always loved to write and tell stories. I enjoyed gathering my nieces and nephews around and letting them lead the tale into weird directions. We’d all end up laughing and then we’d start another. I later did the same with my children. How I wished I’d written some of those ideas down on paper. But as it turns out, I now have to come up with my own ideas.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

What inspired you to write your first book? I remember doing a Bible study on witnessing. My only thought, “Lord, I can’t do that. I’m going to have to write a book.” Every time I thought about witnessing or the subject came up, the thought returned until at last I sat down and wrote a book.

What does your writing process look like? I’m definitely a panster. I set down and write never knowing what will flow onto the paper. My characters’ are given a blank slate. They take me places I wouldn’t dream of going by myself. Sometimes I don’t have a clue how they will get out of the mess they’ve gotten into, but somehow it all works out. When I get into a certain mind set, the words just come. I never plot. Even though I’ve heard it’s a much better way to do things. I create characters I can fall in love with.

How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names of character in Heaven's Bait based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?

Names are important for me. They have to fit, feel right, even read right. If I have the wrong names I have trouble writing the story. I keep going back to the name. I sometimes google names, sir names, and nicknames, until I find the right one. A lot of my names also have meaning. Especially nicknames. In my next release, Black Mamba, names play a big part. Each secret agent has a code name filled with meaning that unravels as the story unfolds.

What was the hardest part of writing your book? The symbolism between the physical and spiritual worlds. Showing how what we do here affects what happens there and connecting things. For example, the room in the spiritual world are the walls she built on earth to keep others out. She built the walls to protect herself, but by building them she entrapped herself as well.


Annie struggles to cope when taken from her home but finds herself entrapped in a life she
doesnt understand. Her memory gone, her family unconcerned, and her signature on a binding
contract leave her no choice but to accept her fate.

Caught up in a world of confusion, Annie must adapt to the shock of discovering she is not the physical body but the Soul. When the physical Deanna makes bad decisions, Annie enters into spiritual warfare and does battle with the Dark Ones in the demon infested forest. Her journey is filled with adventure and
fear as she fights to save her physical self from Satans grasp. Her battle takes her through a
demon infested forest, where she must deal with the past, get rid of pride, and discover her need
for Jesus.

Annie is torn between faith and fear when asked to do the one thing she cant bear to do. Does
she have the strength to prove her faith and make it through or will the outcome leave her
entrapped forever?


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Diane Theiler Resides in Bullitt County with her husband Larry. She spends her spare time writing Romance and Christian suspense novels, mentoring young girls, and enjoying her family. She loves a good story and has no trouble admitting she’s been bitten by the writing bug since her children left the nest. Her first book, Heaven’s Bait, was released late last year and her second, Black Mamba, will e released early spring. She is a member of several writing and critique groups, and part of an accountability group


Unknown said...

This is one of the best books that I have published. I loved the story so much. I had already read, 'The Shack' and loved it. Heaven's Bait rates right up there at the top. Be sure and compare it. Diane Theiler is a wonderful author and publishing her books is an honor.

Unknown said...

Diane thrillers a great mintor and a great person in general

Connie Porter Saunders said...

Diane is a "new to me' author and I appreciate this interview and review.

Annie B. Stronge AKA Diane Theiler said...

Thanks, Tru!

Anonymous said...

would love to win

Unknown said...

Great interview, Laura. Diane's book sounds quite intriguing, and I wish you both the best. I'm in Canada so cannot enter the draw.

Marilyn R. said...

Enjoyed reading this interview. Heaven's Bait sounds like a book I will truly enjoy. Thaank you for the giveaway. marilyridgway78atgmaildotcom.

Unknown said...

Book "Heaven's Bait" sounds like kind I like to read.

Unknown said...

This sounds like an exciting book. I can't wait to read it. said...

Sounds very interesting, would love to win it.