Monday, April 15, 2019

Reforesting Faith: What Trees Teach Us About the Nature of God and His Love for Us

Reforesting Faith: What Trees Teach Us About the Nature of God and His Love for Us

My thoughts: REfORestING FAITH is a very unique book.  Interesting...  I  am not sure that it is absolutely theologically correct --  in fact, theologically I'm pretty sure is quite off in some areas, but it was an interesting walk through the Bible's trees,  parts of trees, fruits of trees, and how trees turned Dr. Sleeth from an atheist into a believer -- which is totally awesome.

So, go plant a  tree, grab a copy of REfORestING FAITH and restore your faith and the forest at the same time.  

A perfect gift for the tree hugger or hiker in your life. REfORestING FAITH.

I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own. 

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

Nice to know Dr. Sleeth became a believer from studying trees. God's creation is amazing!