Monday, April 1, 2019

When God Made Color

When God Made Color

My thoughts:  WHEN GOD MADE COLOR is certainly a colorful book and will definitely appeal to children's eyes. It tells the story of creation in a whole new  way which I absolutely loved until day six when God made man -- and instead of making Adam and Eve He made a whole world full of colorful faces all at once. Which is not exactly what happened at that point and time.

My daughter took issues with colors just popping out - she likes to think God created it  colorful (which I think He did) instead of black and white and then pop goes the color. But it was a fun book.

If you are looking for a new approach to the creation story, here it is. WHEN GOD MADE COLOR.

I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

Sorry to know the author didn't follow the Biblical story of creation. Thank you for your honest review.