Sunday, July 7, 2019

Go to the Well by B. J. Bassett

Jesus answered, “If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water.” John 4:10

As a recent widow, I’ve experienced weariness not only from grieving, but from frustration as well.

After speaking to a Social Security representative, I thought everything would go as I expected. Not so. They made an error in the amount deposited into my checking account. So I went to the local Social Security office where no one was able to resolve the problem. Therefore, I need to wait three weeks for a phone interview.

That same day, I went to the bank to order checks. I was told I could not do so because I was the secondary person on the account, even though I’d previously completed the form making me the sole owner of my checking account. Someone had made an error at the bank. Frustrated, I arrived home and discovered my roof had a leak.

Overwhelmed and frustrated, I was weary and needed to go to the well and the living water only my Jesus can provide.

Are you overwhelmed? Frustrated? Weary? Do you need to go to the well and drink God’s living water today?

Father, I’m thirsty. Please give me Your living water. Amen.

B. J. Bassett encourages others as an author, teacher and speaker. Her books include a contemporary novel, Gillian’s Heart; a historical novel Lily; Sweet Charity; A Touch of Grace—The G.R.A.C.E. Ministries Story; and coauthor of a children’s devotional My Time with God, Focus on the Family, Heritage Builders, with over 55,000 copies sold.

As a contributing writer, publications consist of Writer’s Handbook 2000, The Writer, and The Focus on the Family Guide to Growing a Healthy Home, Wolgemuth& Hyatt, Publishers, Inc.—consistently on Bookstore Journal’s Best-selling Christian Books List from November 1990 - February 1991, and voted the 10 Best Books for 1990 by Today’s Christian Woman.

Magazines, devotional booklets, curriculum and newspaper publishers include Focus on the Family, Woman’s World, The Quiet Hour, Pathways to God, Devotions, Harcourt Brace, WordAction, Gospel Publishing and Times Standard (newspaper).

She teaches writing workshops at Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, OR and at writer’s conferences. As a speaker for Stonecroft Ministries, she tells her story of rejection and acceptance, not only in life, but as a writer as well. She also offers book talks, including discussion questions and shares the journey -- from the seed of an idea to a published book.

Memberships: ACFW and Oregon Christian Writers (OCW).

She enjoys reading, jigsaw puzzles, knitting, munching warm scones oozing with butter and strawberry jam and sipping earl grey tea.


B. J. Bassett said...

Laura, thank you for the opportunity to share.

Kathleen said...

Thank you for sharing, Bunny, and for featuring her, Laura. Well done, both of you!

Marilyn R. said...

Thank you for sharing, B.J. So thankful we can always go to our Heavenly Father when we are in need knowing He along will satisfy and care for you.

Marie Bast said...

Thanks, Bunny, for sharing, that is quit a day you had. I love how your devotions always start out with a true-life event and ends with resting in the Lord's arm. I can't wait for your new devotional book to come out. Your devotions are always so insightful. Thank you, again, Bunny.