Sunday, July 28, 2019

Our Power in Christ By Jenna V. Hilton

 Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.  John 4:35 KJV

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;  Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.    Matthew 9:37-38 KJV

My dog is a rock. Plain and simple. One night, I was putting Skye to bed, and the latch on her crate was broken. So, I improvised. I shut the crate door and put my laundry basket in front of the crate. Now, Skye is a BIG dog. She’s a pit bull black Labrador mix. She could have EASILY nudged open the door at any time and get the zoomies all over my bed. But she didn’t. Skye didn’t realize the power she had.

Aren’t we just like that sometimes? We accepted Christ as our Savior, we gave our lives to him... then what? What do we do with the power that is given to us? The power to lead people to Christ, comfort the hurt and broken hearted? I know I’ve never done that kind of thing. I mean, sure. I’ve shown sympathy, but I’ve never really helped to the best of my ability. We Christians all need to work on that.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing us to come to you with our prayers and praises. Help us to learn to use the Power we’re given to help seek and to save the lost. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Jenna V. Hilton is seventeen, and lives in Arkansas with her parents, two sisters, and dog. She is a senior in high school and planning to attend college to become a veterinarian.


Marie Bast said...

It's a lovely devotional, Jenna, you should get it published. Thanks for sharing. God bless.

B. J. Bassett said...

Powerful and beautifully written.

Linda Hoover said...

Great devotion, Jenna. It's a good reminder to rely on God and his power instead of trying to do things on our own. Or worse yet, don't do anything at all because we don't realize his power is available to us. Thank you for putting it out there. :)

Kathleen said...

Well done, Jenna! You brought your illustration and point together seamlessly; I hope you continue to write. You are correct--we too often downplay the power we have in Jesus to be His arms, legs, and heart.

Marilyn R. said...

A beautiful devotional with a powerful message, Jenna. Keep writing and letting God guide every step. God will be with you each step of the way for your goal of being a veterinarian.

Joy said...

Beautiful, Jenna! Thank you for sharing what The Lord laid on your heart.
I was both blessed and challenged by your sweet words. Keep writing!!

Julie Arduini said...

What a powerful visual, Jenna! Great devotional. I hope you keep writing.

HeidiDruKortman said...

Well written Jenna. My church service tonight was about revival, and this fits in nicely with what I heard there. I'll be happy to read some more,

Christina Miller said...

Well said! We all need this reminder. I love your heart for the Lord and the gospel of Jesus.

cjajsmommy said...

This goes along perfectly with the message from church yesterday. God is speaking!