Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Eyes of Justice

Author: Lisa Wiehl with April Henry
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
April 2012
ISBN: 978-1-59554-708-8
Genre: Fiction/Mystery & Detective/General

This is the third book in The Triple Threat Club series, and while the three heroines have collaborated before to solve mysteries . . .this time it's personal. One of the members of the Triple Threat Club has now become the victim, and the two remaining members vow to bring the killer to justice, no matter the cost. Are they prepared to face the fact that the price might be one or both of them, as well?

Joined by an independently wealthy PI, Ophelia, who vows to see justice done, the book would have been off-kilter if not for the Scripture reference at the beginning of the book: “Leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord (Romans 12:19). That provides the necessary balance, as each of the investigators ultimately come to grips with the reality of that verse.

I’ve never read the previous books in the series, and this book can stand alone, but it might be helpful to read at least the first one to get to know the characters a little better.

I can’t say I really enjoyed the book, I felt the characters were flat, and the foreshadowing as obvious as a preteen’s mascara. Some editing could be better as questions are ended with periods, the adjective ‘fraught’ is used as a noun…and there are inappropriate, impersonal relationships to God.

As this is a work of general fiction, be prepared for numerous references to alcoholic beverages. 3 stars. 308 pages, hardcover with jacket. $26.99.

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