Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Interview with Cynthia Hickey and GIVEAWAY!

Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I write cozy mystery, romantic suspense, and historical romance. I write, because I love to read. I’ll read, and devour, almost any genre except Science Fiction. I especially love writing books clean enough for my younger family members to read, and books that glorify God.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
There are so many special days, thank you, Lord. The birth of my daughter, the adoption of my children, the day I married my husband.

How has being published changed your life?
I never knew a writer’s life was so busy! A well-known author once told me that you are always working on at least three books: The one you’re writing, the one you’re editing, the one you’re marketing. If you add in the one you’re researching, you could be working on at least four books.

What are you reading right now?
Right now, I’m reading a future release of Robin Carroll’s for endorsement.

What is your current work in progress?
I am currently working on the fourth and final book in my cozy mystery series. This one is titled, Maui Macadamia Madness.

What would be your dream vacation?
A trip to Ireland and Scotland to visit the land of my ancestors.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
Most of my stories take place in Arkansas. I spent most of my childhood there and still call it home. Although I use fictional names for my towns, they are modeled after the small towns that dot the great Ozark state.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Probably, Janet Evanovich. I love the humor in her mysteries and would like to dig inside her head.
What three things about you would surprise readers?
I’ve been on the news twice, I have seven children and five grandchildren, I run into a burning house to grab my laptop and photos

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I love to crochet and make movie montages from the hundreds of photos I take every year.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
I tend to be easily distracted. Sitting in the chair and writing, even if I end up rewriting, helps me overcome this.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Never, never, never give up, and keep learning the craft.

Tell us about the book.
I have two recently released on Amazon’s ebook:

A Love for Delicious
Married less than a week, Delicious (Delly) Williams, watches her new husband die, leaving her to raise his five children under the age of thirteen. He also left her a deed to property in Oregon. His dying wish; for Delly to get the deed and the children to his brother in order for them to be protected. Zeke Williams wants to marry Delly in order to keep her safe. Another marriage is the last thing Delly wants. Can these two come together and forge a love and a new life in an untamed land?

Ruth’s Redemption
The Civil War took everything from Ruth Stallings except for her grandmother and sisters. Now without a home or funds, they take the White River as far as it will go and end up in Painted Bluff, Arkansas, a town populated mostly by men out looking for a wife. Sheriff John Powell wants nothing to do with the pretty women or the trouble they bring. Especially when a gang of marauders show up looking for Ruth. Can Ruth and John overcome their differences and find love?

What do you want readers to take away from the book?
That we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

What one question would you like us to ask your readers?

Which book would you choose to win and why?

Tell us about the giveaway you’re offering.
I will offer one lucky winner their choice of either a Kindle copy of A Love for Delicious or Ruth’s Redemption.

The winner will need to approve Cynthia’s email address in order to retrieve the free copy. If you do not have a Kindle, she can send you a .doc file.


Ladette said...

Both of these books sound great! Thanks for the interview... I love being introduced to new-to-me authors!!

I would choose: A Love for Delicious.... First, I like the name, it's kind of different like mine! Second, it has kids in it... that always puts a different spin on a relationship...and third, her husband dies within a week of marrying her??? I want to know what happened there!

karenk said...

both of these novels sound great...thanks for the chance to read them :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Nancee said...

What a choice to make if I were to win this giveaway! Both books sound wonderful! I think that maybe I would opt for Ruth's Redemption because I love reading novels that take place around the time of the Civil War. Very nice interview. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for offering this giveaway!

Unknown said...

And the winner is! pwnmom! Yay! Email me at so we can get your ebook to you!