Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Interview with Ann Fetterman Miller and giveaway!!!

Ann is willing to give away a copy of her book to everyone who leaves a comment. Please leave an email address to be included!

Ann Lee Miller Interview
Author of Kicking Eternity

Why do you write the kind of books you do?

I write coming-of-age/romance novels because I had a lot of childhood baggage to work through and was blessed with a very romantic husband who cherishes me.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

I narrowed it down to four—the days my children were born.

How has being published changed your life?

I’m just on the cusp of publishing since my book launches June 1. But after ten years of trying to break into traditional publishing, working toward indie publishing my books has hopeful experience. I feel a sense of joy, knowing God is walking beside me jostling me along and saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”

The glaring change about moving ahead with publishing is that I haven’t had a spare minute to work on my next book!

What are you reading right now?

Jeff Bennington’s The Indie Author’s Guide to the Universe, and Joel Comm’s Twitter Power.

What is your current work in progress?

My next book is The Art of My Life, which debuts September 1; Avra’s God follows December 1; and Tattered Innocence March 1, 2013. Between all this publishing, I’d like to squeeze in writing Finding My Voice about four characters who have lost their voice in life for diverse reasons. It’s a story about their individual journeys toward speaking up and how those paths tangle into love.

What would be your dream vacation?

It’s been the same dream my whole life, and I’ve yet to live it. Maybe I should put it on my bucket list. I want to sit on a shady porch beside a stream and rock in a rocking chair. I never claimed to be exciting in real life—just in my imaginary one.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

So far, I’ve set all my books in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, the place in my nomadic childhood where I found home. I chose Arizona where I live for my work in progress because it makes my research easier.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

Author Evelyn Christenson has so deeply impacted my faith with her books on prayer. Once at a seminar, she hugged all the ladies, including me, in the restroom line. I’d like to thank her for giving me a heart to pray.

What three things about you would surprise readers?

I lived on a sailboat as a child. My father was often mistaken for Willie Nelson. I and my three sons are color blind.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I hike in the mountains with my husband, do Zumba, and go garage saling every Saturday morning with a friend. This year I mentored three teens from my youth group. I don’t know if it counts as a hobby, but I’ve been guest lecturing on plotting in Phoenix colleges for the past few years. Great fun! I’ve worked at teen church camp for more years than I care to reveal—thus the camp setting for Kicking Eternity.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

Plotting. I am a small picture person. It is difficult for me to envision the structure of a story. To compensate, I have become a student of plotting. I probably go overboard by mapping out every scene of the book before actually writing the book.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?

Learn everything you can about writing, strive for excellence, grow a thick skin, never give up

Tell us about the book.

Kicking Eternity is all about chasing dreams—our dreams, God’s dreams, and the mixed-up tangle of both. Here’s a blurb about the book:

Stuck in sleepy New Smyrna Beach one last summer, Raine socks away her camp pay checks, worries about her druggy brother, and ignores trouble: Cal Koomer. She’s a plane ticket away from teaching orphans in Africa, and not even Cal’s surfer six-pack and the chinks she spies in his rebel armor will derail her.

The artist in Cal begs to paint Raine’s ivory skin, high cheek bones, and internal sparklers behind her eyes, but falling for her would caterwaul him into his parents’ live. No thanks. The girl was self-righteous waiting to happen. Mom served sanctimony like vegetables, three servings a day, and he had a gut full.

Rec Director Drew taunts her with “Rainey” and calls her an enabler. He is so infernally there like a horsefly—till he buzzes back to his ex.

Raine’s brother tweaks. Her dream of Africa dies small deaths. Will she figure out what to fight for and what to free before it’s too late?

What do you want readers to take away from the book?

So many people wrestle with their dreams and God’s dreams for their lives. I wanted to give them hope, the courage to trust God with their future.

What one question would you like us to ask your readers?

Share a memory from summer camp if you attended or from your childhood if not.

Tell us about the giveaway you’re offering.

Anyone who leaves a comment with an e-mail address (JaneReader[at]msn[dot]com) will receive a free e-book copy of Kicking Eternity. Those who don’t want to leave an e-mail may contact Ann for their free book at
Twitter: @AnnLeeMiller
Facebook Author Page:

Book Blurb:
Fresh from college, Raine scores a teaching job at New Smyrna Beach Surf and Sailing Camp. A crush on the camp rebel/art teacher threatens to derail her plans to teach orphans in Africa. The broody recreation director spots her brothers meth addiction and Raine's enabling. Raine believes she is helping her brother--until lives are threatened.

Endorsements for Kicking Eternity:

Kicking Eternity won First Place Long Contemporary in the 2009 Romance Writers of America Faith, Hope, and Love Contest.

“In Kicking Eternity, Ann Lee Miller masterfully weaves the delicate web of emotions experienced in that turbulent ‘twenty-something’ stage of life. Powerful family dynamics, intense loyalty challenges, and tender new loves find their niche in your heart as this story unfolds layer by lovely layer.”
Mesu Andrews, Author of Revell titles Love’s Sacred Song, and Love Amid the Ashes, which won the 2012 CBA Book of the Year, New Author Category

“Ann Lee Miller writes stories straight from the heart with characters who'll become friends, remaining with you long after you turn that final page. You won't want to miss Kicking Eternity!”
Jenny B. Jones, Author of the Katie Parker Production Series from Think and The Charmed Life Series, and other single titles from Thomas Nelson

"I've lost hours of sleep reading Ann Lee Miller's work due to her uncanny ability to yank me into a story with authentic, lovable, yet challenging characters."
Lynn Rush, author of Wasteland, Awaited, and Prelude to Darkness from Crescent Moon Press

Ann Lee Miller earned a BA in creative writing from Ashland (OH) University and writes full-time in Phoenix, but left her heart in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, where she grew up. She loves speaking to young adults and guest lectures on writing at several Arizona colleges. When she isn’t writing or muddling through some crisis—real or imagined—you’ll find her hiking in the Superstition Mountains with her husband or meddling in her kids’ lives.


Unknown said... Great interview! Check out my own giveaway at Thanks!!

HappyHoo said...

happyhoo at gmail dot com - The book sounds like a great read!

Anne Payne said...

Ann, I love the idea that you want to "sit on a shady porch beside a stream and rock in a rocking chair. " It sounds very peaceful and a way to intimately connect with the Lord! There's something to be said for relaxation and not constant go-go-go on a vacation :)

Thanks for sharing about your book and your future releases. You are a busy woman!


Ladette said...

Thanks for the interview and giveaway! Blessings for your future in writing/publishing. I love to meet the authors thru this type of post...thanks for sharing with us.

Unknown said...

Author interviews are fascinating...this one no less so. :)

Thanks for the free e-book!

biblioprincess15 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Ann Lee Miller said...

Ann Lee Miller here. Good morning all! Aly Logan is one of my characters who got a little out of control and started her own blog. I haven't figured out how to rescue my Google account back from her clutches yet. Ha! Ah, the life of a writer. I hope I don't confuse you all today!

Katelyn, Thanks for stopping by and for the invite!

Hello Happy Hoo! Cute moniker, by the way.

Hi Anne. Oh good, another rocker. :)

Ladette, nice to meet you, too!

I'll be sending your books out shortly. Have a great day, ladies.

Lorna Faith said...

Hi Ann :-) Thanks for sharing your heart here :-) I can relate to lots of baggage from childhood...somehow God makes it turn out for our good. Glad to meet another Indie author...I'm going to publish my 1st historical romance end of Sept. 2012. You have inspired keep going...because there have been so many days lately that I've felt like quitting:(
BTW thanks so much for the book giveaway, Ann :-)


lornafaith at gmail dot com

Ann Lee Miller said...

Rachelle, thanks for following me on Twitter and wanting to read my book!

Ladette, if you'd like your free book, just leave me an e-mail address or contact me at

Ann Lee Miller

Ann Lee Miller said...

Hi Lorna! Keep marching forward. I was just reading Psalm 29 this morning about how powerful God's voice is. His powerful voice moves through our writing and affects our readers.

Ann Lee Miller

Mary Hake said...

Hi from another writer who wants to touch hearts.
tormhake @

Michelle Broeker said...

can't wait to read this book!


Ann Lee Miller said...

Hi Mary,

I recognize your name from a critique group we both were in with Diana Sharples--though we never critiqued each others' work. :) Nice to "see" you again! I appreciate your stopping by.

Welcome, Michelle!

I love your e-mail address. :) And your enthusiasm!

Ann Lee Miller

Kimm's Place said...

Thank you for the interview and the giveaway. I look forward to reading your book. kvmcmanus (at) cox (dot) net

Ann Lee Miller said...


Thanks for visiting. I'm looking forward to your reading my book, too! :)

Ann Lee Miller

DCeroniWrites said...

You sound so down to earth and your writing reflects this! I especially love your comment here about your excitement not being reflected in real life with the rocking chair true. I look forward to a copy of your e-book! Please send to:

Thank You and God Bless!
Donna C.

karenk said...

a great posting...thanks for the chance to read this inspirational story :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Morgan said...

Can't wait to read it! Thanks!

Ann Lee Miller said...

Hi Donna,

Storyqueen--that's too cute, I may have to steal it. Ha! Thanks for stopping to chat.

What a stitch that my most popular comment is my super boring desire to rock in a rocking chair. Obviously, I'm among like-minded, over-stimulated people. :)

Happy reading, my dear. May it be relaxing. Well, not too relaxing.

Ann Lee Miller

Ladette said...

I hope you all don't mind, but for some reason my friend Stephanie couldn't post, so I am posting for her. She said:

The book sounds great! Thanks for the interview and giveaway!


Nancee said...

This sounds like a wonderful book, and thank you for offering this giveaway. I only remember 2 things about my first summer camp experience. I was very homesick, and I hated working in the kitchen! I still don't like to cook!

Ann Lee Miller said...

Karen, Morgan, Stephanie, and Nancee, I'm so excited you want to read my book! Enjoy!

Nancee, thanks for sharing a camp memory. When I was a girl I read every book I could get my hands on about girls who went to boarding school. I was sure they had more fun than I did. So, I adored camp--the next best thing.

Goosegirl said...

Oh thank you! I can't wait to read it. I pray the Lord blesses your writing.

Goosegirl said...

I am looking forward to your book. Thank you! I pray the Lord blesses your writing.

Ann Lee Miller said...

Anyone who missed the giveaway on May 30 may contact me at to request a free e-copy of Kicking Eternity.:)

Goosegirl, if you contact me at my website, I'll send you a book! Thanks for posting.

Laura, thanks so much for having me over. I loved visiting with your blog friends!

Ann Lee Miller

Nancee said...

Aly, it will be a pleasure to read your book. Thank you so much for offering a giveaway!

Ann Lee Miller said...

Great, Nancee!

I'm Ann. Aly is my out-of-control character who borrowed my Google account and won't give it back. Ha!

Ann Lee Miller