Friday, September 28, 2012

God, Girls, and Guys

Authors: Robin Marsh and Lauren Nelson
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
August 2012
ISBN: 978-0-7369-4523-3
Genre: nonfiction/young adult/general

What are teen boys thinking?
When is it okay to kiss a guy?
What does God say about dating?
How far is too far?

Most teen girls (Christian ones, at least) wonder about these topics and many others. Authors Robin Marsh and Lauren Nelson have lived through the teen years and remember how great they can be—and also how confusing. It’s a time for excitement, drama, and guys.

GOD, GIRLS, AND GUYS invites you to check out God’s truths about your physical body, sexual attraction, love, and relationships. It includes true stories, personal insights, and biblical perspectives over topics such as:

Ø      God loves you and wants to be involved with you 24/7
Ø      You were designed for relationships—including with boys
Ø      Guys think differently about sex than girls do
Ø      What works and doesn’t work when it comes to dating
Ø      How to avoid some love dramas and heartache

If you are single, in a relationship, or want to be, then GOD, GIRLS, AND GUYS is a book that you will want to read. It’s a book I wish I’d have had as a teenager when I struggled through relationships, and trying to understand guys. And it’s a book I wish I could give to other teen girls and make them read it when I see them crying beside the pool when the guy they like has a girlfriend—and then they go all out to steal said guy away from the girlfriend.

Discussion questions are included at the end of each chapter, so you’ll want a notebook and pen to write your answers, unless you want to write in the book. Highly recommend this book to teen girls. I’m giving my copy to my sixteen year old.  $10.99. 176 pages.  

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