Monday, October 5, 2015

The Garden Classroom

The Garden Classroom
Preschool through elementary. Price $18.95
Roost Books

The Garden Classroom is a definitely unique book. I love this book. It helps educators (public, private or homeschool) teach science, math, reading, writing, imaginative play, arts and crafts. It almost makes me wish it were spring so we could plant something outside.

But there are ideas for even growing things inside. A cake pan will hold dirt and grass seat so you can grow turf to attract roaming toy dinosaurs or picnicking dolls.

There are ideas for big outside gardens and teaching how to label plants or rows, or small container gardens on a porch or in your windowsill. It teaches art and recycling by encouraging children to decorate discarded tin cans or toilet paper rolls to plant in.

The Garden Classroom also includes crafts out of dried flowers and colorful autumn leaves.   

This is a wonderful book, across the board curriculum for young children. I highly recommend this for all teachers. 

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