Thursday, November 3, 2016

Wait and See

Wait and See: Finding Peace in God's Pauses and Plans

Paperback, ebook, audio, and audio CD

October 1, 2016

by Wendy Pope 

  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: David C. Cook
  • ISBN-13: 978-0781413558

A popular speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries explores the life of King David as she helps women transform a difficult season of waiting into a sweet season with God.

How long, God?

When waiting on God stretches for months or years, we might begin to doubt his promises. Did I hear you correctly, God? Do you see what I'm going through? Why does this have to be so hard?

In WAIT AND SEE, Wendy Pope draws on the life of King David to help us. 

. focus on the Person of our faith rather than the object of our wait;
. prepare for the future by participating in God's work in the present;
. view God's pauses as opportunities to know Him better;
. gain confidence in God's plans, even during uncertain times; and 
. step out of the security of the known to find peace in the unknown.

How can we take every opportunity to focus on God and His beautiful future? This hands-on guidebook will show you how to transform a difficult season of waiting into a sweet season with God. 

My thoughts: First, the disclaimer.  "I was provided a free copy of this book. All opinions are my own." That done, WAIT AND SEE is, as the title says, for those who are waiting. I know the perfect person to gift my copy to as they are in a period of waiting.  Actually, I know several people this book will fit, so I may be buying gift copies!

Ms. Pope knows about waiting. She had many periods of waiting in her life. In fact, at first as I thumbed through it, I thought it had a whiny feel, and that kind of annoyed me. I don't want to read a book about her whining about this and that and the next thing.  But once I settled in to actually read the book, Ms. Pope takes the time to dissect her whines and turn them into ministering opportunities to help others who are waiting for whatever they are waiting for.

This book is a good book for anyone who maybe waiting for God to hear them and answer their prayers. Good for church libraries and Christian counselors, among others.  

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