Wednesday, September 11, 2019

An invitation to read The Penthouse by AmreCortadino

Dear Family and Friends,

A while back, I had the opportunity to enter a contest using the opening line from the book, A Telephone Call, by Dorothy Parker. My mind immediately flashed back to stories about telephone calls placed to loved ones the fateful morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. These once-in-a-lifetime calls came from the heroes in office buildings, on the streets of Manhattan, and on flights about to collide into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Reports say more than 1,000 telephone calls were made. Among other things, these messages conveyed alarm, love, and the wish for more time.

Most of us watched the surreal scene depicted on television screens from early that morning through the days, weeks, and months following the tragedy. Each year on September 11th, we commemorate the horror and repeat the sentiment, “We will not forget.” For the families and friends of those who died that day, or because of injuries sustained that day, we offer our heartfelt prayers.

The Penthouse, a fictional piece, was written to honor those fallen heroes.

Please read The Penthouse on my website ( and leave a comment, or find the link on my Facebook page at From My Window. Thank you, and God bless you.



I am a follower of Jesus Christ, have been married for 38 years, and enjoy four wonderful children, three outlaws, and two precious grandchildren. I’ve worked in the medical field for over 30 years. After completing my B.S.H.S., I became a health educator and received international credentials in childbirth education (I.C.E.A.) and lactation consulting (I.B.C.L.C.). I serve as a women’s Bible study leader, and participate in a local book club and writers group. Among my many passions, I keep chickens.

My articles have appeared in Charisma Magazine Online; OneChristianVoice; Matters of the Heart/Fun Book Magazine.


Marilyn R. said...

Thank you for sharing. 9/11/01 will be remembered with Christians taking a stand.

Amre Cortadino said...

Thank you for inviting me to share The Penthouse on your blog, Laura. I appreciate you! God bless and protect America <3
Amre Cortadino