Sunday, September 22, 2019

Promises from God by Heidi Dru Kortman

Text: Matthew 11:5.

“The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.”

Text: Zechariah 10:12:

“‘I will strengthen them in the Lord, and in his name they will walk,’ declares the Lord.”

These powerful verses grab our attention and refuse to let go. How we react to them either gives us hope or begins a spiral of depression. They had the same potential in the days of the prophets and while Jesus walked on earth.

The Matthew verse can be a favorite of faith healers. One thing to remember is that although Jesus did many miracles that were recorded, and many more that were not, no one could prove he chose to heal every handicapped person he encountered in his travels. In fact, frequently in the miracle stories, the handicapped person’s attitude is of great importance. The stories of the miracle at the pool of Bethesda and the paralytic lowered from the roof clearly illustrate that Jesus often chose to remove sin and heal attitude before granting physical healing.

In certain senses, however, the verse in Matthew is fulfilled today. Every improvement a handicapped person experiences through medical treatment or advances in therapy is a result of the gift of inspiration only God can give. Each time we witness by speech or in actions, we bring the good news to the poor, make someone who is dead in spirit alive, and advance God’s kingdom.

If we need a verse to cling to every day, a good one to choose is this one in Zechariah. God promises to invest us with strength, from his power, for his purposes. If we remain in close relationship with him, we can always accomplish the good work he has set aside especially for us to do. With his power in us it does not matter whether we move gracefully or awkwardly through life, because what he wills will be completed.

Heidi Dru Kortman DTM
God's gifts and call are irrevocable.

Heidi Dru Kortman, a CWG Apprentice graduate, ACFW member since 2004, and Word Weaver member has published devotionals in various newsletters, and a collected volume of devotionals. Her poetry, flash fiction, and short stories have appeared in small magazines, and a website. She is applying herself to the task of writing smoothly polished fiction.



Marie Bast said...

How insightful, Heidi, thanks for sharing. Very lovely.

Julie Arduini said...

Amen, Heidi! Thank you for your encouragement!

HeidiDruKortman said...

Thank you, Laura for the opportunity to have a post on your blog.

Kathleen said...

Thank you for sharing this, Heidi and Laura. There are many kinds of handicaps, and I could see myself in your devotional.