Friday, September 6, 2019

September interview: With Andrea Chatelain from and WhollyLoved Ministries

Tell us about the book – a brief blurb: “Drawing Near” is a 90 Day devotional written by the Wholly Loved team, of which I am so thankful to be included. We wrote out of our hardest challenges, greatest needs, and deepest hopes crafting each day to validate and encourage our readers in God’s love. I’ve yet to read one that didn’t speak to my soul.

How do you set the mood to write? I need either complete quiet or a steady hum of background chatter in order to concentrate. With three small kids, I either wake up before the sun, put on an extra PBS show for them, or wait til 10PM. My favorite time is morning with a cup of hot coffee. My brain is fresh and totally focused. 

Where is your favorite place to write? Pictures? My friend is a genius with a paintbrush, so I stalked her furniture business until I found the perfect french provincial desk. It’s petite and light grey currently holding piles of notes and scribbles.

Will you complete this opening? “It was a dark and stormy night…” and I curled up on the couch, snuggled under my grandma’s afghan, and grabbed the nearest book from the fireplace. Satellite was out again. Would be another hour til it rolled through, and the dog laid by the door willing the clouds to move faster so she could go out to sniff the rain-scented air. (That was fun! I don’t write much fiction)

What book do you admire you wish you’d written? Good Night Moon. I would love to be a children’s book author. I love reading to my kids before bed and instilling a gratitude for words in them. Good Night Moon is a classic and the last line makes me smile every time. “Goodnight noises everywhere.” So. Good.

How do you find the balance of writing time and family time? I don’t. Sometimes it’s a sacrifice. I’m lucky to have a husband who believes my writing is important and will take kid shifts so I can write. Other times I put my writing on the back burner because kids are sick or I just want to be a mom for a week. I think the balance comes in knowing what is most important at every step and having the courage to do it.

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Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She's a Midwest mom of three, faith and family blogger for A Fruitful Woman, writer/speaker for Wholly Loved Ministries, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. She’s got a spunky personality, love for Jesus, and heart for fellow believers. Connect with Andrea online or follow her on Facebook.

Be sure to grab your copy of WhollyLoved’s devotional, Drawing Near.

1 comment:

Chatelain Book Club said...

Thanks for the shout out today! Blessings to you!