Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Lever Long Enough

Author: Amy Deardon
Publisher: Taegals Publishing, LLC
March 2009
ISBN: 978-0-9818997-2-5
Genre: Time travel

Benjamin Feinan is head of an Israeli Military team. His team is searching for a time capsule that will be dropped into the Dead Sea next week—but in reality was in the First Century. In three days his team is prepared to head back to ancient Israel to collect video evidence that Jesus’ body was stolen from the tomb.

When Benjamin is drawn into a web of first-century deception and death, he realizes that the only way to escape is to change the past.

But a modern day traitor attempts to sabotage the mission and seize control of the military complex. Benjamin can reveal him…but he is trapped two thousand years away.

Amy Deardon surprised me. This book, a time travel fantasy type, is published by a press that I never heard of, so I didn’t suppose I would think much of A LEVER LONG ENOUGH. However, Ms. Deardon is an author that deserves the name of a much larger press. Her writing is impeccable, the storyline intriguing, the characters realistic, and the setting vivid.

Some of the chapters are very very short, sometimes only a paragraph, which I really enjoyed. She kept the tension high, and knew exactly where to end chapters at.

Ms. Deardon says she came to faith when she was studying the historic circumstances of Jesus’ death and resurrection. And she used this study as the research basis she needed to write a biblical fiction book intertwined with a modern day military operation. This book is sure to appeal to both men and women. My attention was gripped. I had to find out what would happen next, how Benjamin would reveal the traitor when he was stuck in ancient days. You will not want to miss this book. $12.44. 352 pages. Available from,, or

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