Thursday, November 18, 2010

Costly Grace

Author: Jon Walker
Publisher: Leafwood
September 2010
ISBN 978-0-89112-676-8
Genre: Christian Living

Author Jon Walker has written a primer, if you will, on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s classic, The Cost Of Discipleship. And he has done a thorough job at clarifying the central message of Bonhoeffer’s book, smoothing out the rough spots and untangling most of the convoluted arguments one finds in The Cost Of Discipleship. In so doing, Walker has remained faithful to the message, summed up in Bonhoeffer’s own words: “It was grace because it cost so much, and it cost so much because it was grace.” Walker has also brought that message into our contemporary worldview, providing fresh illustrations and fresh applications without losing focus on the same core belief: “Jesus doesn’t present a plan for positive thinking or suggest seven simple steps to becoming his disciple. Jesus says, “Follow me,” and we follow a person.” (p. 39)

Author Jon Walker has done a remarkable job of reviving a classic on discipleship, and casting it into a form that is more readily received by the 21st century Western mind, and yet retains the spirit of The Cost Of Discipleship which made it a classic in the first place. If you’ve ever tried to read Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s classic, and given up in frustration, this book is for you. In fact, I purchased the classic, The Cost Of Discipleship, and have read them side by side so that I might understand the message that both authors have been captivated by. If more believers could “catch” that message, and make it their own, we might again see revival in our land.

Jon Walker did a good job of reviving and clarifying a classic on the COST OF GRACE. 4 out of 5 Stars. 237 pages. $15.99.

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