Sunday, November 28, 2010

God Loves Single Moms

Author: Teresa Whitehurst
Publisher: Revell
October 2010
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3277-6
Genre: Nonfiction/parenting

Teresa Whitehurst, author of GOD LOVES SINGLE MOMS, knows what she’s talking about. She is a single mom and has faced the challenges of when there’s not enough money to reach the end of the month; what to do when her back hurt too bad to even move, yet she had to; and how to do it all without letting anyone know she needed help.

Ms. Whitehurst also learned that sometimes, letting go is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. If she stopped trying to be perfect, and admitted her needs, frustrations or fatigue, she discovered that she had a support system in place ready to step in and help out.

GOD LOVES SINGLE MOMS offers down-to-Earth advice on navigating the world of single motherhood with confidence and hope. She also addresses the pressing issues of finances, self-care, organization, discipline, developing a support system, and more.

I’m not a single mom, I responded to an urgent request by the publisher for reviewers for this particular book. So, I read it and was left with an admiration for all that single moms have to do. My husband is busy and gone a lot, but I still have his support when I must deal with a child who doesn’t understand Algebra, or is disrespectful, and if things break I don’t have to handle it all by myself. So, I admire those who do handle it all and don’t fall apart.

I received an education reading this book, and I will recommend this book to single moms or those struggling to understand who they are and how to better minister to them, such as divorce support groups, etc. This is a book that will definitely minister to a lot of women. Verses, quizzes, testimonials, and much more are included in this book. $12.99. 190 pages.

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