Friday, November 26, 2010

Head in the Clouds

Author: Karen Witemeyer
Publisher: Bethany House
October 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0756-3
Genre: Inspirational/historical

Adelaide Proctor longs for a story-book romance. She believes she found an adequate replacement with Henry, but not a hero straight off the pages of a book. Still, what can one expect when they are a rural school teacher—and not a socialite? But when Henry gets a promotion and shares the news he won’t be returning to her town, Adelaide quits her job and follows Henry to Fort Worth where she makes the shocking and horrifying discovery that Henry is married.

Gideon Westcott has inherited the daughter of a woman he barely knows. He left his privileged life in England to make a life for himself in America. But now he has to interview governesses. How can he find one to bring joy back into Bella’s life since she lost her mother?

At a loss what to do when she discovers she has no job and no fiancĂ©, Adelaide interviews for the nanny position. And is stunned to discover she’s hired. But when Bella’s uncle comes to claim his niece, Gideon and Adelaide must work together to save Bella. Can Adelaide get her head out of the clouds long enough to discover she might have a chance at true love and a family?

HEAD IN THE CLOUDS is the second novel I’ve read by Karen Witemeyer but it definitely won’t be the last. Ms. Witemeyer has the ability to take characters and give them a quirky, funny personality that will eventually make me care.

The prologue was kind of Legally Blonde-ish with the heroine believing she’ll get her man, but instead she was broken up with. Then she follows him to another area and instead finds the love she was looking for. Still, I couldn’t help but like Adelaide, and Gideon won my heart instantly.

If you are looking for a historical romance with a touch of suspense and a few laughs you won’t want to miss HEAD IN THE CLOUDS. $14.99. 366 pages.

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