"Moms" Authors Take On Octuplet Debate
An ethical debate erupted recently as news reached the world that a single mother of six children used a fertility specialist to give birth to eight more children. We'll leave the debate of ethics for others to discuss, and will focus instead on the importance of offering life to these new innocents. Author Kathi Macias (How Can I Run a Tight Ship When I'm Surrounded by Loose Cannons? and Mothers of the Bible Speak to Mothers of Today) says:"I believe the bottom-line issue is that we as Christians don't compromise our strong pro-life stand. This story will be used to push abortion, not only as a viable option but as a moral one. Suddenly it will be IMMORAL not to have an abortion. Whatever we may think about this woman, once those children were conceived they were lives precious to God. If we aren't careful, we will forget that we as Christians believe in absolutes, rather than situational ethics. Situational ethics says the woman should have aborted some of them. Absolutes say life is sacred--period. The real issue here is sanctity of life. This is a watershed event, and we as Christians must take a firm stand for life, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the story."
Author: Marla Taviano Expecting Praying for Your Child's Development Body and Soul Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Howard Books Release Date: January 6, 2009 ISBN-10: 1416572007 ISBN-13: 978-1416572008 Retail: $14.99
Author Marla Taviano (Expecting: Praying for Your Child's Development--Body and Soul) says: "Regardless of how any of these children got here, the reality is they're here. Each one is a living, breathing human being with intrinsic value. God created them, and loves them deeply. They entered this world with the odds already stacked against them. They didn't ask for this. We can debate until we're blue in the face about whose 'fault' it is and whose responsibility they are, but that's not really the point. If you want to get technical--better yet, biblical--they're our responsibility. We're commanded to love our neighbor and care for the poor and needy, to share Christ with the lost, and to seek justice for the oppressed. Maybe we don't have to dash off a check tomorrow, but at the very least, we can pray for these innocents. As you take time to pray for your own little ones, why not take a moment to pray for one or more of these octuplets--by name? Your prayers might be the only chance at hope these tiny children have."
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