Friday, March 13, 2009

Raising Boys to be Like Jesus

Author: Sharon Norris Elliott
Publisher: Judson Press
March 2009
ISBN: 978-0-8170-1541-1
Genre: Nonfiction/parenting/inspirational

If my sons were intent on pleasing God, I would automatically be pleased with them as well… What better example to point them to than Jesus Christ—the One whose total life involved pleasing God? (from the preface)

In today’s busy world parents need simple, yet profound, help in raising well-balanced, spiritually healthy boys who will eventually grow up to be tomorrows leaders. RAISING BOYS TO BE LIKE JESUS addresses that need, taking stories from Ms. Elliott’s own life, from raising her sons, to working as a teacher and vice-principal, to show parents how to point children to the ultimate role model for their sons—Jesus Christ.

RAISING BOYS TO BE LIKE JESUS addresses questions such as:

● How can we raise boys in the image of Jesus?

● How can single mothers in particular use Jesus as the male model?

● What can be learned from Jesus’ life that could be applied to:

Ø facing temptation
Ø choosing to be a leader
Ø developing and maintiaining healthy friendships
Ø relating to and respecting women
Ø handling money

In addition to this, RAISING BOYS TO BE LIKE JESUS also has lessons to be learned from Jesus’ life, practical and do-able Scripture-based principles for raising sons, a look at Jesus’ life from infancy through ministry, applying these principles to your own personal life.

I laid my hands on this book a little late – as my sons are in their late teens and ready to go out on their own and this book starts at the beginning, from the moment you first hole your newborn son in your arms, and goes through toddlerhood, preschool, on up. There are some segments in there for parents of teenagers, at which point the book is good as a resource manual, where the principles are applied as crisis arise, although, Ms. Elliott maintains, that even those of us with a son only under our care for a year still has hope.

RAISING BOYS TO BE LIKE JESUS is geared toward Christian mothers of sons, ages 0 – 18; as well as single mothers. In addition, the book is also invaluable for pastors, counselors, and teachers. If you are a parent of one or more boys then you will want a copy of RAISING BOYS TO BE LIKE JESUS. There are spaces included for the reader to write their thoughts about some of the things taught in this book. $16.00. 192 pages.

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