Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Step Into Your Future

Title: STEP INTO YOUR FUTURE: A Business Woman’s Path to Profits
Author: Rosemary Hossenlopp
Publisher: Morgan James The Entrepreneurial Publisher
ISBN: 978-1-60037-214-8
Genre: Business/Small Business/Women and Business

Rosemary Hossenlopp MBA is a business owner, and she has learned, hands on, some secrets to true business success, and she is willing to share what she learned with you, so that you can realize your dream of owning your own successful business.

Ms. Hossenlopp will teach you Five Critical How To’s:

Ø How to unlock your money making system
Ø How to receive exponentially greater business results
Ø How to increase your influence by working on brand you
Ø How to attract the ideal clients for increased revenue
Ø How to realize big profits from tiny changes in thinking

Not only that, but Ms. Hossenlopp also shares four powerful tips from a fellow woman entrepreneur:

Ø The five must-do components of business planning
Ø A pop quiz to how you if you are getting the results you deserve from your actions
Ø An eleven-step checklist for creating your custom action plan
Ø Power planning strategy tips for increased results

I am not a business owner, but as I read through this book I could see where this book could be beneficial to anyone trying to make it in this economically unstable world, whether you are trying to sell Avon, Pampered Chef, MaryKay, or other products, or whether you own your own unique business trying to sell whatever you do best, whether it be making soaps, crafts, diapers, or rewriting resumes. Whatever your product, you want to make it succeed, so you owe it to yourself to educate yourself on what worked for another woman and might work for you. $16.95. 141 pages.

1 comment:

Rosemary Hossenlopp said...

I have a "WOW" offer for you readers! Buy a book from Amazon and get access to a Free Teleseminar series on how to immediately grow your business. You get not one, but three POWER PACKED sessions. Buy now----> www.StepIntoYourFuture.com/teleseminar/

I can't wait to see you on the teleseminar. It starts on Monday, April 13th. If you miss the teleseminar, but buy a book this spring, you will get access to the .mp3. So go sign-up now----> www.StepIntoYourFuture.com/teleseminar/

To Your Success!
Rosemary Regier-Hossenlopp