Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Until We Reach Home

Author: Lynn Austin
Publisher: Bethany House
October 2008
ISBN: 978-07642-0495-1
Genre: Inspirational/historical

Elin Carlson’s life in Sweden has become unbearable since her parents died. Now orphaned, Elin’s relatives have moved in to their family home to help care for the three girls, but Elin’s uncle has been taking advantage of Elin physically. When she sees him make moves on her sister, she knows she needs to move herself and her sisters away.

When Elin’s Uncle Lars sends the money for them to come to America, she is convinced this is the answer. But America turns out to be a huge disappointment. Nothing is as Elin imagined. One hardship follows another, until Elin and her sisters have a destroyed reputation and no prospects.

But sometimes the bottom has to be reached before the mountain can be climbed. Will Elin and her sisters find that America is the land of dreams and second chances after all?

UNTIL WE REACH HOME is only the second book that I’ve read by acclaimed author, Lynn Austin, but I’m certain it won’t be the last. I couldn’t help but feel for the three sisters as they are virtually forced from their home after their father died, but found that what they imagined would be waiting for them in America was vastly different. Some of the scenes were heartwarming, and others were completely heart wrenching.

Elin and her sisters were realistically developed and seemed real. I couldn’t help cheering for them as they struggled to find their way in America. I cried when I reached the end of the book. It is especially touching. I would love to see another book in this series by this author. $13.99. 432 pages.


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