Friday, February 24, 2012

An Interview with June Foster

Be sure to answer June's question and leave a contact email to be entered into a drawing for a free copy of June's book!

Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I believe first because the Lord has placed it on my heart. Since I'm a Christian and have a master's in counseling, I love to hear "real life" stories about Christians who've conquered obstacles and sins in their lives to find freedom to live the way God intended. So now I have opportunity to write about fictional characters who do the same. I pray my stories will minister to Christians who suffer with the same issues.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
Before I became a Christian, I don't think I had any really happy days although at the time I thought they were. Since then, I've had so many happy days I can't count them all or name one that is better than the rest. But here's some examples: when my husband gave his life to the Lord, the frequent times my husband and I visited many of our beautiful national parks, and the day I found out my first book, actually the entire trilogy, was to be published.

How has being published changed your life?
I'm busier now than ever taking care of the responsibilities attached to having a book published – edits, reviews, promotion of the book. I struggle some days to get back to what I love the most and that's writing my stories.

What are you reading right now?
I'm reading BJ Robinson's Southern Superstitions. I got a Kindle for my birthday last November and have been downloading some of the books from my colleagues at Desert Breeze to become acquainted with them.

What is your current work in progress?
I'm working on the first book in my next trilogy, the Almond Tree Series. The first book is called The Way Home and is about two people of very different religions who fall in love. The series is set in Chico, California where I was able to visit for a week to do research for the novels.

What would be your dream vacation?
I believe I'd have to say a trip to Israel.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
The four books I have contracts on and Ryan's Father are all set in the Seattle area of Washington. We lived in the area for 10 years so I'm familiar with the state. For the Almond Tree series – don't laugh – I looked at a map of the US and saw Chico, California and knew that was the place. I have another book planned to take place in El Paso, Texas where I lived for many years.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
I think it would be Latayne Scott. Latayne is an ex-Mormon and a born again Christian writer. Since the love story in The Way Home is about a Christian woman and a Mormon man who fall in love, I'd love to ask her question after question.

What three things about you would surprise readers?
My great grandfather was a Catholic priest. (Now figure that one out.) I taught students from seven different language groups in Seattle in my English as a Second Language classes: Vietnamese, Russian, Ukrainian, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and Croatian. I've traveled in Europe quite a bit.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Literally nothing. Writing takes up my entire day. Before I started writing, I used to scrapbook and make cards.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it
I'd have to say groping for the right words that express what I want to say. I close my eyes and ask the Lord to help me. Then I keep on trying.
What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Read the "how to" books, join Scribes of ACFW, and keep on writing. Don't ever give up for any reason.

Tell us about the book.

Jess Colton battles a dysfunctional personality. When he asks Jesus into his life, he gives up alcohol yet replaces it with a food addition. Though his weight soars past 300 pounds, he’s baffled when the beautiful Holly Harrison declares her affection.
Holly Harrison lives with the results of an ungodly past. What Christian man would want a woman who lost her leg and unborn baby all in the same night? She doesn’t plan on falling in love with Jess yet she sees past his bulk to the godly man inside. When Jess drives a wedge between them, Holly loses all hope of a future with him.
Only God has the power to restore a hopeless food addict to good health and teach a young woman how to forgive herself opening the door for an unlikely romance.

What do you want readers to take away from the book?
There is no obstacle in our lives that is too big for God. If we're willing to place it all in His hands, admit our faults, and turn from our past, God can bring us a life filled with joy and peace.

What one question would you like us to ask your readers?
How meaningful is a book like Give Us This Day to a reader? Even if you haven't read it yet, you can still answer the question by reading the blurb. Do you believe God can use a fictional character to speak to issues in a reader's life?

Tell us about the giveaway you’re offering.
I'm going to choose a winner from the answers to the above question. I will send you a free copy of my debut novel Give Us This Day if you leave your email address.


June Foster said...

Laura, Thank you so much for having me on your blog and allowing me to talk about my debut novel. June

Julie Arduini said...

What a treat it was to read this interview. I learned a lot about June I didn't know. I didn't know June had so many books going, or that she had a Master's in Counseling. I love how she came up with Chico as a setting.

To answer the question, Give Us This Day is very important because I need authentic Christian fiction in my life. I do a lot of mentoring/teaching with recovery issues and often we give up one thing only to pick up another habit. That's real life, and I enjoy and am encouraged when I can read things that understand that. I can't wait to get my hands on June's books, all of them.

Thanks, Laura. Awesome interview.

June Foster said...

Hi Julie, Thanks for your comment. I learned something new about you today as well. I didn't know you mentored people with recovery issues. Something my characters deal with alot. You sound like a great resource. Blessings, June

Michelle Broeker said...

Yes, I believe God can speak through fictional characters in a book. It's sometimes easier to read a fiction book than a "self-help" book. The story can touch your life, and cause to think of things in a new way - b/c you are seeing the thought patterns of the characters not just their words and actions. It helps us to go deeper. It can reveal things to us about ourselves and also other people. This book sounds like a really great read!

Sharon said...

June - Yes, a fictional character can be used by God to speak to us. The many prayers that must go into a book really work - so many books have spoken to the ladies in our book club. And good Christian fiction points us to the Bible, where true healing can begin.
To answer your question about how Give Us This Day can be meaningful, I'll have to quote you "There is no obstacle in our lives that is too big for God." How very, very true.
Would love to win a copy of your book.
smoore at tcq dot net

karenk said...

i believe god speaks to each one of us in different ways...even through fictional books

thanks for the chance to read this fabulous novel :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Ann Lee Miller said...

Most of us can relate to deep regrets from our pasts and/or shoving things other than God into our lives to dull our pain.

