Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Kindnesses of the Lord by Heidi Dru Kortman

Text: Isaiah 63:7-9

“I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us—yes, the many good things he has done for the house of Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses. He said, ‘Surely they are my people, sons who will not be false to me,’ and so he became their Savior. In all their distresses he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.”
 Sometimes I wish I were a very little child. The world is full of miseries and unkindness, and the very young haven’t learned this yet. Being able to ride in a stroller as they do looks like the best thing.
 When I see this text, I am comforted. I see that God is compassionate and kind. I see that He has chosen people to be His, and even in my sorrows, I believe that I am one of them. The things that distress me also distress Him, and the more I can grow to reflect His character, the clearer my witness becomes. The presence of the Holy Spirit translates my inept prayers, even when I am depressed.

            God loves me enough to take me away from the devil’s hand. My soul is out of Satan’s reach. This verse even says God carries me! Who needs a stroller? This is much better.

            As the Holy Spirit shifts my perspective, I see things I can do. I can tell about all the things God has done and provided for me. How many are there? Although I have cerebral palsy and my body doesn’t function as well as other people’s do, my mind is undamaged, and I can think and be creative. He allowed me to grow up in a Christian family, and I know the most important thing of all, the security of belief in Jesus Christ.

            After I graduated from an excellent Christian college, I was unemployed for quite some time. I applied for a job in a town in California. I did not get the job, and later learned that flooding heavily damaged the town. God spared me any involvement with that situation by refusing me employment there.

            Instead, He opened a position for me with a Christian publisher in my hometown. I could do my work in my own home, without needing to travel. I helped prepare many manuscripts for publication, works that still praise God’s power. He has done even more for me than this. What has he done for you?


            Lord, there are days we don’t even think to respond to Your continuing gifts. Break any attitude of entitlement in us, and train us in gratitude. Then, people will have no doubt about Your care for us, and for them too. Amen.

Heidi Dru Kortman DTM
God's gifts and call are irrevocable.

Heidi Dru Kortman, a CWG Apprentice graduate, ACFW member since 2004, and Word Weaver member has published devotionals in various newsletters, and a collected volume of devotionals. Her poetry, flash fiction, and short stories have appeared in small magazines, and a website. She is applying herself to the task of writing smoothly polished fiction.


HeidiDruKortman said...

Thanks for giving me a blog opening, Laura.

Linda Hoover said...

Wonderful devotion, Heidi. Very thought provoking.

Kathleen said...

Beautiful devotional, Heidi. Those verses are not familiar to me, and I love the way you made them relevant to our lives today.

Julie Arduini said...

I love how He protects us, especially if we don't see it at the time.